How Even Long-Term Smokers Can Stop Smoking and Start Feeling Better In 3 Days
By: Antonio LeMaire
How long have you been smoking? Whether it's twenty years, thirty years, or maybe longer than you can remember, you'll be glad to know that even "career smokers" can improve their health when they stop smoking and feel better almost immediately.
You've probably heard negative comments from other smokers, like: "Why should I stop now? I've been smoking my entire life," or "My lungs are already damaged beyond repair. Stopping smoking now won't make any difference."
Fortunately, those beliefs are myths. With a little perseverance, will power, and maybe some outside help if needed, you can kick your smoking habit and reverse a good deal of the damage. Many smokers are surprised to learn that health improvements can occur within a matter of days.
Experience Immediate Results When You Stop Smoking
While most ex-smokers will tell you the first week is the hardest, they fail to mention the immediate health benefits from stopping smoking. Smokers are often so focused on their addiction and withdrawal symptoms that at first they might not realize the positive changes taking place in their bodies.
These are some common changes that occur within the first three days of stopping smoking:
1. Drop in pulse rate and blood pressure- Smoking has been known to increase the risk of high blood pressure. Within days of stopping smoking, most people experience a drop in their overall blood pressure and heart rate.
2. Increase in energy- After breaking your smoking habit, you should notice an increase in energy. Former smokers who suffered from fatigue often see an improvement in energy and stamina.
3. Nicotine elimination- In a matter of days, nicotine is eliminated from the body. The result is a boost to your senses. Foods will seem tastier than before and you'll be more aware of both fragrant and foul smelling odors.
4. Breathing improvements- As changes occur in the bronchial tubes, breathing will become less of a chore. You'll find your breathing will get lighter and more relaxed.
5. Carbon monoxide reduced- Smokers have an unhealthy level of carbon monoxide in the blood. In less than a day after stopping smoking, carbon monoxide levels will start to decrease, resulting in an increase of oxygen in the blood.
6. Lung cleansing- After carbon monoxide is removed from the blood stream, the lungs begin a much needed cleansing process. The heavy tar buildup that has accumulated in the lungs slowly starts to clear.
7. Healthier skin- Did you ever notice how some smokers have a dull, pasty complexion? By stopping smoking, you can improve your skin tone and reduce and prevent wrinkles.
Long Term Health Benefits From Stopping Smoking
Since smoking takes a gradual toll on your body, it's unrealistic to expect all health improvements to occur overnight. Although you might not feel like a million dollars right away, rest assured that by stopping smoking now you'll eventually experience major health improvements.
Here are some of the long-term benefits of breaking your smoking habit:
1. Less coughing- If coughing and hacking are a part of your daily routine, over the next several months these problems should decrease or be eliminated as the oxygen level in the lungs increases.
2. Easier exercise- Forget about huffing and puffing just to get up the stairs. Stopping smoking will improve your circulation, thus making exercise and everyday chores much simpler.
3. Fewer heart problems- Did you know smokers are at a greater risk when it comes to heart attacks? Thankfully the chance of having a heart attack will slowly start to decrease upon stopping smoking. After about ten years off tobacco, most former smokers no longer have an inflated risk for a heart attack. Even smokers who have already suffered from heart problems can reduce their risk of an additional heart attack by stopping smoking.
4. Reduced risk of lung disease- Perhaps the most common reason for stopping smoking is the fear of lung cancer. It's true that the lungs take the most time to recover from cigarette smoking. But generally after a period of about ten years, most smokers will have reduced their chances of developing lung cancer by fifty percent.
Increase Your Life Expectancy... At Any Age
Whether you're 35, 50, or 70 years old, the time to stop smoking is now. While younger smokers may tend to recover better from the ill effects of smoking, people of all ages can improve their overall health and increase life expectancy.
The key to success is to stop smoking before any serious health complications arise such as lung cancer or emphysema. However, if you have been diagnosed with either of these conditions or some other tobacco related illness, you can still boost your chances of recovery by stopping smoking immediately.
While receiving treatment for a serious illness, your body needs to be in the healthiest state possible. The sooner you stop smoking, the sooner your stress levels will decline, boosting your immune system to ward off life threatening diseases and conditions.
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Using Self Hypnosis To Kick The Smoking Habit
Posted by Fizaazida | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 1 comments »By: Alan B. Densky, CH
If you are someone who is trying to quit smoking cigarettes, you know how hard it is to crush this harmful habit. However, it is possible, and half of all adult smokers are able to quit smoking forever. Many smokers have successfully quit smoking cigarettes by replacing them with new, more positive habits without having to suffer through withdrawal symptoms. By far, the easiest and most effective method to stop smoking and achieve this end is stop smoking hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis for smoking cessation is one of the most regularly practiced forms of hypnotherapy. It is often cited as a tool to stop smoking along with strategies such as the use of nicotine gums and patches and other popular techniques. It helps to end the smoking addiction by combating cravings for cigarettes, motivating you to stay committed to quitting, and promoting stress relief and relaxation so you will not be tempted to smoke.
The smoking addiction contains both physiological and psychological aspects. The physiological addiction is a physical addiction the body develops to nicotine. This aspect of the addiction is what causes the physical withdrawal symptoms that make it initially seem near impossible to stop smoking. However, this is a short, temporary part in the overall process of quitting smoking, which lasts only between three days and one week. By the end of this period of time, your body adjusts to normal, nicotine-free functioning. Based on thirty years of experience, I believe that the physical addiction to nicotine represents only ten percent of the addiction to cigarette smoking.
By far, the most challenging part of breaking the smoking addiction is overcoming the psychological addiction, which are the mental and emotional aspects of smoking. I believe this represents ninety percent of the tobacco addiction. When you develop a smoking habit, you unconsciously develop a desire to smoke at certain times, such as before going to bed at night. This is called a conditioned response. Quit smoking hypnotherapy helps eliminate the unconscious relationships that cause you to crave cigarettes, thereby eliminating the conditioned urge to smoke. Hypnosis also helps you stay motivated to stop smoking by strengthening your ideas that gave you the desire to stop smoking in the first place.
Smokers get stuck in the ritual of lighting up and smoking. This is why people who attempt to stop smoking using nicotine gums or patches alone usually have such a difficult experience. They soon overcome the physiological addiction, but they have no replacement or relief for the ritual of smoking cigarettes, which has become a mental habit and pleasurable source of stress relief. Self-hypnosis techniques eliminate this mental addiction and serve as stress reducers as well. As a relaxation tool, hypnosis helps effectively relieve stress and anxiety so you will lose the desire to smoke cigarettes.
By adding some powerful NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques, stop smoking hypnotherapy can keep you motivated to kicking the habit by training the unconscious to focus on the benefits of quitting. Eliminating tobacco benefits you in a great number of ways. Within days of quitting, body parts damaged by smoking begin to heal, damaged nerves re-grow, and your sense of taste and smell improves. Within a few weeks, blood circulation and lung function improve. Within one year, your risk of heart disease is less than half that of a smoker. Within five to fifteen years, your risk of having a stroke is the same as a non-smoker. Your risk of heart disease is the same as someone who has never smoked at all, and the risk of dying from lung cancer and a number of other cancer risks have decreased.
In spite of the harmful effects of smoking and the health benefits of quitting, some smokers never overcome their habit. For the most part, this is because they've never really committed to quitting. Other smokers are afraid to experience withdrawal symptoms or let go of the smoking habit. However, quitting smoking does not have to be the torturous process that makes so many smokers hesistant to even attempt quitting. Hypnosis is a very simple, natural method of quitting.
Hypnosis for quitting smoking is an effective implement for killing cravings for cigarettes, building powerful motivation, and promoting relaxation and stress relief to eliminate the psychological addiction to smoking. Stop smoking hypnotherapy techniques can be learned with ease from specialized self-hypnosis programs that have been developed after decades of experience using hypnosis, NLP, and Neuro-VISION video hypnotherapy to get clients to kick the cigarette addiction.
Stop smoking self-hypnosis programs make it easy to stop smoking for good because they break the smoking habit in a process that helps obliterate cravings and the desire to smoke. Whatever your motivation is for quitting, hypnotherapy makes it easier to focus your mind on these reasons, which makes you feel a powerful urge to quit. Quit smoking hypnosis programs eliminate the urge to smoke. Although quitting smoking can be an unsuccessful and painful experience for some, those who utilize self hypnosis have a far greater rate of success because it makes the process a 'slam-dunk'. It is the most effective method for smoke cessation.
Alan B. Densky, CH pioneered the use of video quit smoking aids and received a U.S. Patent on the technology. He offers effective hypnotic help to quit smoking if you are ready to quit smoking cigarettes now.
Is There Really Danger if You Don't Stop Smoking?
Posted by Fizaazida | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 0 comments »Is There Really Danger if You Don't Stop Smoking?
By: Crizza Reyes
I wonder how many people honestly believe or are ignorant enough to think that smoking has no real danger. Let's first look at a big factor to keep living, your heart. Your heart is the size of your fist and the strongest muscle in your body. The life source, if it stops, you die. Real simple. Therefore it would be safe to assume it's a good thing to do what's best for our heart. Why you ask? Because as marvelous as this system is, it is very vulnerable to damage from the things we do to it, like smoking, eating an unhealthy diet or putting it under stress. When your heart's functions become compromised, this is known as cardiovascular disease, a broad term that covers any disorder to the system that has the heart at its center.
The Major Cardiovascular Risk Factors
There are many risk factors associated with coronary heart disease and stroke. The major risk factors, tobacco use, alcohol use (and when you drink you usually smoke more and there are people who don't regularly smoke that do when they drink), high blood pressure (hypertension) which smoking increases, high cholesterol (which can be reduced when stop smoking), physical inactivity (which not so many smokers feel healthy enough with a restricted respiratory system to participate in) and unhealthy diets, and I've yet to meet a very healthy eater concerned about their health that smokes. The odds sure are getting worse for those who believe there may not be any real danger to smoking, and we only have looked at the heart. Let's look at something else.
When you see the warning on cigarette packages "Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health" the smoking-related diseases that probably come to mind are lung cancer and maybe emphysema. But, did you know that half of periodontal gum disease in smokers is caused by smoking? Chronic (long-term) gum disease can lead to the loss of your teeth, puss filled sores and horrible, disgusting breath. From there leads to lowered self esteem and confidence, restricted social life, embarrassment, continued oral decay and possible tumors in your mouth, tongue and lips. Still. Nasty cancer finds its way in somehow. But hey, my heart's okay and I don't have emphysema.
And what about emphysema? I guess it wouldn't be too constricting to walk around with an oxygen tank in tow and those tubes running up your nose just so you could do something as natural as say… breathing. And it is quite the trendy and attractive look, wouldn't you agree? Smoking is the number one cause of emphysema. Smoking is responsible for 80% to 90% of all cases of emphysema, self inflicted restriction, damage and disease to your ability to breath. Still think that cigarette is worth it. And when asked, the most popular answers people give as to why they smoke, "It relaxes me" or "It's time for me."
The truth is it does not relax the body in any way, quite contrary, that is just the emotional conditioning that has developed over time and if you need time alone, you don't need a cigarette to create it. People will leave you alone if you just tell them to beat it and go away. It's all rationalizing and creating reasons to smoke. So why do people let themselves believe it's okay to keep smoking? If I had to bet I'd say it's because they either haven't found an effective way to stop or a way that works without a huge struggle.
Thousands of people stop smoking every day and do it with a lot of struggle or no struggle at all. We all know both types of people. For smokers who finally ended the smoking habit, here is what a report from Johns Hopkins University reported:
Five percent who stopped used the "cold turkey" approach.
Nicotine replacement programs are about 20 percent. This includes the patch or chewing nicotine-containing gum, both of which are available over the counter. There is also a nicotine nasal spray or an inhaler that gives heavy smokers a faster and higher dose of nicotine that more closely simulates smoking and quashes craving better. However, you are still using nicotine to quit a habit that involves nicotine. There must be a better way.
All studies come down to one approach being most effective in the expedience and the comfort of quitting the smoking habit and that is hypnosis. The percentage varies from source to source but all data shows that the safest, quickest and most comfortable way to finally quit smoking is to use hypnosis with a reputable hypnotist. So when thinking about the dangers of smoking and getting that motivation to finally save your life and live healthier, the bottom line is to use what works best for you.
Crizza For more information on how you can quit smoking, please visit our web site.
By: smokerness
We all know that many smokers are aware of health risks that come along with smoking cigarettes. We also know that that some of them are seeking support and help for their habit. I don’t want you to understand me as some kind of a guru who is making smart statements on how to quit smoking cold turkey in 15 hours for free. No no. My idea for smoking cigarettes is very similar to yours. You see, I’m aware that smoking is a nice hobby, in fact it’s irreplaceable, it can be your best friend, so why quit smoking anyway?
Smoking cigarettes is part of you, of your personality, of your everyday life. I know your questions, the most obvious are: how can I gather strength to find a way to quit smoking? am I a person who can stop smoking cold turkey?, am I missing something, are there any smoking cessation methods that I don’t understand?
Now let me ask you a question but please think thoroughly. Can you not think of a blue color? Don’t think of a blue color. Just don’t think. Please :).
Why did you imagine a blue color? Because your brain works in pictures. The word don’t, is a concept not a picture. For your brain that word simply doesn’t exist in that thought. In a split second you first imagine the blue color, than an action word, in this case “don’t”.
Your brain work in pictures, and your focus determine your reality. Your focus can be triggered by questions. What type of questions you ask yourself is the way you shape your destiny. If your goal is to quit smoking naturally, than you should focus yourself on the quitting smoking benefits. For example, am I going to breed deeper as a non-smoker? Is my energy level going up or down? How important is my energy level? Am I going to look better, healthier? Am I born with a cigarette?
Maybe some questions are funny but they can help you quit smoking. You have to focus on the other “color”. If you are seeking for natural nicotine patch, this is one way. Stopping smoking cigarettes is a big change in your life; it can trigger a positive momentum which will make you more fulfilled and happier.
Let me guarantee you something, if you are reading this article, you have achieved a lot more than 95% of the smokers who are seeking quitting smoking support. Most of them are researching methods for quitting smoking cigarettes for about 2 min. Many of them believe that some day, they will stop smoking, scientist will find a nicotine patch that will stop cravings immediately and painfully.
Don’t stop researching, the answer will find you, when you have all the information and when you’re ready. You can read my guide for quitting smoking cigarettes for more detailed information on the step by step process that can help you, and please don’t forget to share this article if you find useful.
Read More at: Stop Smoking, Quit Smoking Tips, Advices and Testiomonials
Chantix – A Smoking Cessation Treatment Drug
By: Hayden Eck
To know about smoking cessation and the latest aid for it, read on.
What is Smoking Cessation?
Smoking cessation is a nightmare for all smokers but a dire need to. Smokers need to go for smoking cessation if they want to improve their health. Many smokers try endlessly to quit smoking but are unable to do it. This is because of nicotine in cigarettes. Nicotine addiction is the culprit behind the habit of smoking.
Many aids are available for smoking cessation such as nicotine patches, nicotine gums and lozenges, and nicotine inhalers. All these are nicotine replacement therapies and aid in smoking cessation by providing nicotine to smokers and slowly weaning them from their habit. Recently, another drug called Zyban, which is a non-nicotine drug also got approval in the US, however, this drug causes seizures and hence is not used vastly.
About Chantix
Chantix is the latest aid for smoking cessation and works by attaching to nicotine receptors in the brain. The active ingredient in Chantix binds more strongly to the receptors than nicotine and hence even if a smoker smokes during the treatment, he gets no pleasure from smoking. Moreover, by attaching to the nicotine receptors, Chantix helps by relieving withdrawal symptoms and cravings that arise due to lack of nicotine.
Who can take Chantix?
Every adult smoker can take Chantix but only if his or her doctor prescribes it. Chantix is a prescription only drug and is not safe for everyone. Some people who cannot take Chantix are as follows:
• People below the age of 18 and above the age o 65
• Pregnant and lactating mothers
• People allergic to ingredients of Chantix
• People taking medicines for asthma, diabetes and other medications such as vitamins, herbal medicines, and blood thinners
Ingredients of Chantix
The active ingredient in Chantix is varenicline. This is the ingredient that acts like nicotine and attaches to nicotinic receptors in the brain. Varenicline is non-addictive in nature.
Other ingredients of Chantix are as follows:
Microcrystalline cellulose (NF), anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate (USP), croscarmellose sodium (NF), colloidal silicon dioxide (NF), magnesium stearate (NF), Opadry ® White (for 0.5 mg), Opadry ® Blue (for 1 mg), and
Opadry® Clear (for both 0.5 mg and 1 mg)
Benefits of Chantix
There are many benefits of Chantix and people prefer it because of its benefits. Some of them are as follows:
• Chantix does not contain nicotine
• Smoker can quit smoking easily with Chantix, as it reduces nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms
• Chantix has success rate of 44%, which is higher than almost all smoking cessation therapies and medications
Side effects of Chantix
This is a very important piece of information and you should be aware of it before you take Chantix. Some of the common side effects of Chantix are as follows:
• Nausea
• Sleeping problems
• Vivid dreams
• Constipation
• Gas
• Vomiting
Availability of Chantix
Chantix is available in many countries but it is known as Chantix only in the US. It is known as Champix in other countries. This is because the FDA found the name Champix too overstated and asked Pfizer to change the name. Both these drugs contain same ingredients and work in same manner, the only difference lies in their name.
You can get Chantix in all leading pharmacies and get it online also. Many people prefer to avail Chantix online, as it helps save them their time, money, and energy.
Why take Chantix for the treatment of smoking cessation?
The answer to this question lies in benefits of Chantix. First, Chantix does not contain nicotine; this gives it an edge over nicotine replacement therapies. Second, the success rate of Chantix is 44%, which is considerably more than these therapies. Third, Champix is twice more effective than Zyban and does not cause serious side effects in most users. All these benefits of Chantix make it a preferred drug for all those who wish to go for smoking cessation.
People, who really wish to give up smoking, should take Chantix for smoking cessation as it increases their chances of success manifolds.
Brief description
Find out about the latest smoking cessation drug that increases your chances of success and reduces the problems associated with smoking cessation.
Webmaster associated with online pharmacy "" this site provides various information on Chantix and also helps people in treatment of Smoking Cessation, resources are available on site
Effects of Secondhand Smoke On Children
Posted by Fizaazida | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 1 comments »Effects of Secondhand Smoke On Children - Limited Lung Function
By: Ron King
Everyone feels that smoking is unhealthy, particularly for children. But what are the actual effects of secondhand smoke on children, particularly the infant and secondhand smoke? Let’s study the health effects on a child who is exposed to secondhand smoke.
Secondhand smoke is the name of the smoke that is emitted by a lit cigarette mixed with the smoke that is exhaled by a smoker engaged in the business of smoking. This kind of involuntary exposure affects everyone who is in in close proximity to a smoker, and thus of course children. The effect can be seen during pregnancy, even before a child is born. Studies have shown that prenatal exposure to nicotine, as it is contained in cigarette smoke, will cause low birth weight in a newborn. Also, it may contribute to prenatal death and resulting miscarriage. After the child has been born, secondhand smoke has been tied to the much-feared sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) which causes healthy infants less than one year of age to die without a known cause. Children who survive their infancy and later on develop asthma will find their attacks to be more prolonged than those of their counterparts who live in smoke free environments. Because of the toxins that are exhaled as well as put forth from a lit cigarette, children who are exposed to secondhand smoke quite often suffer from respiratory tract infections such as chronic bronchitis, postnasal drip, and frequent colds. Of course, there are also other health risks, such as an increased risk of ear infections and sore throats, and these are only a few of the effects of secondhand smoke on children.
Nonetheless, the most severe damage done by tobacco smoke to children is the harm inflicted on their lungs. An infant and secondhand smoke are a hurtful combination. Infants who were exposed to nicotine before birth, oftentimes have restricted lung functions, which is the reason they are more susceptible to succumbing to SIDS when still young. One of the reasons why children are so adversely affected by secondhand smoke is the fact that their breathing rate is more rapid than an adult’s breathing rate, and so, by weight, they are ingesting a bigger proportion of secondhand smoke and all its toxins than an adult would. Add to this factor the developmental immaturity of a child’s lungs and it is clear that so many hospitalizations can be directly traced to a parent’s smoking around the children.
Another factor to think about is the length of exposure of children to cigarette smoke. Usually smokers have other smokers within their immediate circle of friends and acquaintances and choose not to ban smoking to the porch or any other location apart from the children. Thus, a child is often not only exposed to a parent’s or caregiver’s secondhand smoke, but also to that of their friends, family, and other adults. Sadly, children who are exposed constantly to secondhand smoke will be at a high risk of developing lung cancer, following in the footsteps of their smoking parents and caregivers. Quite possibly the worst part of smoking related hospitalizations in children who were exposed to secondhand smoke is the fact that this could have been summarily avoided, particularly cases that involve an infant and secondhand smoke. Do not wait until it is too late and the effects of secondhand smoke on children are beyond repair. Make sure your kids stay in environments that are smoke-free. Put the respiratory health of your kids ahead of the risks involved with smoke exposure. Limit your child’s opportunities for secondhand smoke exposure, and quit smoking before it is too late!
For more info, check out Infants and Secondhand Smoke or Tips on How To Stop Smoking. Copyright 2008 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact and the links live.
By: Juliet Cohen
Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. Smoking is a practice where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled. Smoking not only harms your health but it hurts the health of those around you. Exposure to secondhand smoke (also called environmental tobacco smoke or passive smoking) includes exhaled smoke as well as smoke from burning cigarettes. Cigarette smoking causes 87 percent of lung cancer deaths. It is also responsible for many other cancers and health problems. These include lung disease, heart and blood vessel disease, stroke and cataracts.
Women who smoke have a greater chance of certain pregnancy problems or having a baby die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Tobacco smoking is today by far the most popular form of smoking. Nicotine is a drug found naturally in tobacco. It is highly addictive as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Over time, a person becomes physically and emotionally addicted to, or dependent on, nicotine. Quitting smoking is not easy, but you can do it. When you quit smoking, the benefits begin within minutes of your last cigarette. Some powerful reasults for quit smoking.
You will know you can succeed at difficult taks and take more control of your life. Quitting helps you believe in yourself. Quitting smoking has major and immediate health benefits for men and women of all ages. Benefits apply to people with and without smoking-related disease. The excess risk of developing heart disease as a result of smoking may be reduced by as much as half in the year or two after quitting. Women who stop smoking before pregnancy or during the first 3 to 4 months of pregnancy reduce their risk of having a low birth-weight baby to that of women who never smoked.
The health benefits of quitting smoking are far greater than any risks from the small weight gain or any emotional or psychological problems that may follow quitting. Women who quit at age 35 increase their life expectancy by 6 to 8 years. It is never too late to gain benefits from quitting. When you quit smoking 3 - 9 months Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as lung functions are increased by up to 10%. Quitting at age 45 increases life expectancy by 6 or 7 years. Quitting at age 55 increases life expectancy by 3 to 6 years. Quitting at age 65 increases life expectancy by 1.4 to 4 years.
Get information on Hairstyles and hair trends, including sections dealing with teen hairstyles.
By: Juliet Cohen
Smoking harms almost every organ of the system and diminishes an individual’s whole health. Smoking is a leading reason of cancer and of death from cancer. It causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx (sound corner), lip, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas, abdomen, and cervix, as easily as intense myeloid leukemia. Smoking too causes eye disease, shot, lung disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema), pelvis fractures, and cataracts. Smokers are at high danger of developing pneumonia and new airway infections. When you halt smoking, you will dramatically better your chances of avoiding countless natural and physical position effects.
Take a look below and glance at just how smoking effects all parts of your body, including the urinary tract, digestion, bones and ones own reproductive system. When you stop smoking, the mucous production levels seem to rise and as a result, you may suffer from a post nasal drip. When you abruptly quit smoking, the body is in kind of a state of loss, not knowing how to work normally since it has not worked normally in such a long time. Your body will readjust and release sugar as it is needed. Without eating any more your body will just figure out how to regulate blood sugar more efficiently. Many people get headaches on quitting smoking.
There are several reasons. Your brain is getting more oxygen and your body is ridding itself of carbon monoxide. Many people have their sleep temporarily disrupted. Increased blood supply nourishes the skin which in turn makes you more presentable than before. Stop smoking to reduce the risk of infertility. Infertility can be reversed if you stop smoking. People who quit smoking have improved circulation, don’t produce as much phlegm, and don’t cough or wheeze as often. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of cancer and other diseases, such as heart disease and lung disease, caused by smoking.
People who stop smoking, irrespective of their age, are less possible than those who remain to smoke to perish from smoking-related sickness. People who stop at about age 50 cut their danger of dying prematurely by 50 percentage compared with those who remain to smoke. Quitting smoke may induce short-term problems. Depression, anxiety, uneasiness, weight increase, and new problems are symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. When you stop smoking 20 hours carbon monoxide clears from your system. Oxygen levels climb and you have much vitality. When you stop smoking a year your danger of an eye blast has fallen to about half that of a smoker.
Get information on Hairstyles and hair trends, including sections dealing with teen hairstyles.
Champix Varenicline - Quit Smoking Medication
Posted by Fizaazida | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 1 comments »By: Maria Jones
Champix Varenicline is an oral prescription drug. You can take this drug with a glass of water. There are also mild side effects if you take excessive dosage of Champix. If you suffer any side effects of Champix, try to seek immediate medical care. Most of the people taking dosage of Champix can suffer nausea. Taking proper medical consultation can treat this side effect of Champix. If you buy Champix online, try to get extra information about Champix Varenicline on the internet. The process to buy Champix online is quite simple. You can avail many benefits if you of Champix for smoking cessation. If you wish to make smoking cessation a reality, then buy Champix online. Champix Varenicline helps you by reducing painful withdrawal symptoms and curbing nicotine cravings.
Champix Varenicline is the first drug in a new class of prescription medications that helps in smoking cessation
treatment. If you are among smokers who want help for smoking cessation, then buy Champix online. This smoking cessation drug can help you quit smoking without any major difficulty. However, before you buy Champix online, try to research about side effects of Champix, about dosage of Champix, about smoking cessation aids and many other questions related to Champix Varenicline.
Champix (Varenicline) - Quit Smoking and Smoking Cessation Medication
Champix Varenicline is the first drug in a new class of prescription medications that helps in smoking cessation treatment. Unlike some other products, it is totally a nicotine free drug. Champix Varenicline works by specifically targeting nicotinic receptors in the brain to reduce craving for smoking.
If you are among smokers who want to help the cause of smoking cessation, then buy Champix online. This smoking cessation drug can help you quit smoking without any major difficulty. However, before you buy Champix online, try to research about side effects of Champix, dosage of Champix, about smoking cessation aids and many other questions related to Champix Varenicline.
Dosage of Champix
Champix Varenicline is an oral prescription drug. You should take one 0.5mg dosage of Champix daily for the first three days. However, you can increase the same dosage of Champix to twice daily from day four to seven. Moreover, from day eight onwards until the end of treatment, you can take 1mg dosage of Champix two times a day. The 0.5mg composition is usually white in colour and 1mg composition is blue in colour.
It helps if you set a date to quit smoking, and start taking dosage of Champix, one week before this date. There are also mild side effects of taking dosages of Champix. If you suffer from any side effects of Champix, you should get medical counsel.
Side effects of Champix
The most common side effects of Champix that are visible among users of Champix Varenicline include vomiting, nausea, headaches, sleep disturbances with unusual dreams, and constipation. Most of the people complain of nausea after taking dosage of Champix. However, this is easily treatable with proper medical attention.
You should also tell your doctor if you suffer from any type of kidney ailments. Taking dosage of Champix in this condition can prove harmful. Also, inform your doctor about other medications that you take to treat other medical problems.
Champix online
The process to buy Champix online is quite simple. It only requires you to follow few simple steps. Many people prefer this medium as it saves lot of time and energy. There are many other benefits if you buy Champix online and start your smoking cessation program. However, the most certain benefits of smoking cessation become visible when your health starts improving drastically. You may find changes in your smell, taste and breathe.
If you wish to make smoking cessation a reality, then buy Champix online. This is the easiest method to quit smoking. Champix Varenicline helps you by reducing painful withdrawal symptoms and curbing nicotine cravings.
It is true that smoking cessation is difficult. Smoking is like a horrifying nightmare, which blots your past, present and future. However, if you buy Champix online, your task can become easy. It also proves cost effective to buy Varenicline online. You can save lots of money that doctor normally charge as consultation fees.
Meds4all provides treatment for smoking cessation. Buy champix online for quit smoking. Order champix uk for your healthy & smoke-free life.
By: Christopher Evans -
Smoking is bad for you: No surprises there! It is a major cause of cancer, emphysema as well as a whole host of other health related problems. It smells, it costs an ever increasing amount of money and is fast becoming a social taboo. What fewer people appreciate is that smoking is also a leading factor when it comes to aging of the skin. Wrinkles, sagging and lines are all a result of the ravages of cigarette smoke. Worse still, it does not require us to even be smokers ourselves to suffer. Simply being in a smoky environment has a negative effect on our skin. (Another hoorah for the UK public smoking ban!)
Cigarette smoke, much like other pollutants in the atmosphere, damages the skin in part, because of its production of free radicals. The damage caused by these free radicals is present throughout our bodies. The skin, as our outermost layer, shows this damage most prominently: In particular, the face.
So what is a free radical and how does it promote these lines and wrinkles in the skin? Simply put, a free radical is a molecule with an imbalance of electrons. These unbalanced molecules react with cells in the body to “steal” electrons which in turn causes damage to the body’s cells.
According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, dermatologist and author of The Perricone Prescription (HarperCollins), the effects of smoking in terms of ageing are significant. When we inhale just one puff of cigarette smoke, more than a trillion free radicals are produced in our lungs, which then trigger an inflammatory response that circulates throughout the body.
Over time, this damage extends to the collagen in our skin. Collagen is a protein which acts as the building block of our bodies. Amongst other things, it is responsible for both the elasticity and smoothness of our skin. Effectively, the more collagen we have, the smoother and tighter our skin is. i.e less wrinkles.
In 1985 the term ’smoker’s face’ was added to the medical dictionary. The characteristic of a smoker’s face, which tends to make people look older than they are, was defined as the following:
Lines or wrinkles on the face, particularly radiating at right angles from the upper and lower lips or corners of the eyes, deep lines on the cheeks or numerous shallow lines on the cheeks and lower jaw.
It is not just the production of these free radicals that reduces collagen production. Smoking also depletes the body’s stores of Vitamin C. In one study, smokers with similar intake had consistently lower blood Vitamin C levels compared to non-smokers. Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen and is a powerful anti-oxidant in itself.
Collagen production does slow down over time, regardless of it’s exposure to smoke. Hence, the older someone gets, the more likely they are to develop wrinkles. Promoting collagen production is the key to delaying this natural process as well as tackling the unnatural causes such as smoking.
Microdermabrasion, anti-oxidants and certain vitamins all found in various creams can fight both the development and existence of wrinkles by promoting the production of collagen in the skin. Furthermore, new techniques such as micro-needling also promote the development of new collagen.
There are a number of invasive and expensive techniques to help resurface the skin, such as chemical peels, laser resurfacing and microdermabrasion, but these are all a trauma to the skin and are beyond the average budget.
The good news is that we offer an amazing product that can help to remove wrinkles, stretch marks, and scars quickly and easily in the comfort of your own home. Learn more about Smoking - a Leading Cause of Wrinkles at
Effects Of Smoking And How To Kick The Habit
Posted by Fizaazida | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 1 comments »Effects Of Smoking And How To Easily Kick The Habit
By: Alan B. Densky, CH
Smoking is a harmful and addictive habit that affects the lives of millions of people around the world. We now know the dangers of cigarette smoking and smokers are urged to find ways to quit smoking for the benefit of their own health. This is not an easy feat, as most smokers start at an extremely young age. The average age of a new smoker is thirteen years old.
A habit formed at such an early age is not easily broken. Nicotine affects many parts of the body and it is hard to break this addiction without some help. There are many different diseases associated with smoking. Most smokers require some help to quit smoking and many methods exist for this very purpose.
There are many reasons why people start smoking and develop a smoking habit. The main reason that people begin to smoke is peer pressure. Some young people believe smoking will make them seem more mature, and increase their popularity with their peers. It also is forbidden which makes it all the more attractive to rebellious teenagers, thus the low starting age for many people. This young age makes quitting smoking more challenging in your later years.
Media can also influence the decision to start smoking. Smoking portrayed in movies or on television can lead you to believe that smoking is harmless. Parents can wield the biggest influence over their children by setting a good example on how to quit smoking. Mothers and fathers who smoke are far more likely to have children who smoke.
Nicotine is the drug within tobacco that smokers crave. Nicotine can affect your mind and body in many harmful ways. Nicotine, once inhaled into the lungs reaches the brain in a matter of just eight seconds. Once there, nicotine affects your blood pressure and heart rate. Over time it can increase your bad cholesterol levels and cause the narrowing of your arteries. Nicotine in concentrated doses is a lethal poison, so imagine the damage it does to your body. Nicotine is also addictive and this is why many people cannot quit smoking.
Smoking can affect your health on a variety of levels. Low stamina is one side effect of smoking. More serious smoking related diseases include cancer and emphysema. Heart disease and stroke are also closely associated with cigarette smoking. A person who stops smoking will greatly reduce their risk of developing these diseases for every year they can go smoke free.
The outcome of these medical conditions caused by smoking is grim. Lung cancer is nearly always fatal unless detected very early and a full 80% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Heart and lung disease can subtract years from your life unless you learn how to quit smoking. Emphysema cannot be cured but only managed, plus the damage to your lungs cannot be repaired. The benefits of quitting smoking include a longer, healthier life and a better quality of life.
There are many different ways to quit smoking, and you must select the best method for you as an individual. Nicotine gums and patches are designed to help you slowly withdraw from the nicotine addiction. Only about 10% of the people who use them quit smoking. Another option is going cold turkey, and this works for up to 11% of the smokers who try to quit this way. Other popular methods to quit smoking include an herbal kit that can guide you through quitting. It has a success rate similar to that of nicotine gums and patches.
Hypnosis is a popular and effective option for those who want to quit smoking without experiencing withdrawal symptoms or weight gain. Hypnotherapy has proven to be highly effective with smokers who have made a decision to quit smoking. Hypnosis for smoking cessation might sound like an extreme solution but it delivers solid results up to 70% of the time. This success rate is far greater that of other methods.
The reason hypnotherapy is so effective is that it while the physical addiction to nicotine makes up only about 10% of the cigarette smoking addiction, the emotional and mental aspects of the habit make up a full 90% of the cigarette smoking addiction. Hypnosis treats this aspect of the addiction.
About 45% of the smoking behavior is caused by stress, and hypnotherapy has proven to be a powerful, non-invasive tool that can help reprogram the mind to divert it from stressful thoughts, and towards relaxing, positive thoughts. In addition, the very essence of hypnosis is that it incorporates a deep state of relaxation.
Another 45% of the smoking behavior is caused by conditioned responses. This is where smoking becomes associated with other activities and events at the unconscious level of mind. For example, if you smoke while watching television, your unconscious will associate the image of a cigarette in your hand with the image of the TV. Each time you see the TV, your unconscious flashes an image of the cigarette in your hand, and you experience the compulsion to smoke.
Stop smoking hypnotherapy is regularly used to "extinguish" the conditioned responses by disassociating the unconscious links between cigarettes and TV, drinking coffee, working on your computer, driving, or any other situation where an unconscious association has been formed.
In summary: Although most smokers believe that their inability to quit smoking is based on their addiction to nicotine, in truth it is the psychological aspects of smoking that present the largest barriers. Hypnotherapy was accepted by the American Medical Association in 1958 as an effective tool. And hypnosis for smoke cessation is the second most common use of hypnotherapy today.
While hourly rates for hypnotherapists climb higher and higher, there are excellent hypnosis CDs available that can greatly reduce the cost of obtaining hypnosis treatment. Since everyone is different, there are no specific "magic" words or post-hypnotic suggestions that will work for everyone. So when choosing hypnosis CDs, look for programs that incorporate a broad variety of hypnotic and NLP techniques in a series of at least six or more sessions to obtain the best possible results. In any event, the cost of the very best hypnosis CDs & DVDs equates to far less than the amount that an average smoker spends every month on buying cigarettes.
Alan B. Densky, CH created the Video Hypnosis quit smoking technology that helps smokers easily quit the habit. He also created other ways to stop smoking with Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP. Visit his Neuro-VISION self improvement hypnosis site for free hypnotherapy videos and MP3s.
Hypnotherapy Helps To Beat Your Smoking Habit
Posted by Fizaazida | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 1 comments »By: Arthor Pens
In this article I am going to list ten ways in which hypnotherapy can be an effective means for empowering people to stop smoking in a natural way.
1) Hypnotherapy targets the unconscious mind, this is the part that stores all your memories, emotions and creates and maintains habits. This means that the memories you have of smoking, emotional attachment to smoking and the smoking habit pattern is dealt with by hypnotherapy.
2) Having hypnotherapy to give up smoking means you do not have to rely on willpower alone. This is good news, since using willpower is a conscious act. Habits are stored at an unconscious level. You are likely to be less successful using willpower alone, as you are not working with your unconscious mind.
3) Hypnotherapy is a wonderfully relaxing process, in which your unconscious mind is packed full of positive suggestions. In this way, Hypnotherapy can eliminate or reduce anxiety associated with stopping smoking so that you feel ready to stop.
4) Whilst hypnotherapy cannot make you stop if you really do not want to, it can help you identify and build your motivations for stopping. During a hypnotherapy your hypnotherapist should spend time helping you identify your reasons for stopping smoking.
5) Hypnotherapy can help install positive coping mechanisms, so that you will know what to do, to remain a non-smoker once the session has ended.
6) Hypnotherapy can help you to re-evaluate your unconscious beliefs related to smoking. During smoking cessation consultations at my hypnotherapy practice, Edinburgh, people regularly present with distorted beliefs that they have developed and held onto, to give themselves excuses for smoking.
7) Hypnotherapy can install positive beliefs. Whatever method you use to stop smoking, when you have that last cigarette it can be challenging to believe that you really are a non-smoker at first. This lack of belief in yourself as a non-smoker can make you feel vulnerable to smoking again. Your hypnotherapist, can work with you to install new beliefs that will help you feel like a non-smoker.
8) Hypnotherapy can help you develop new feelings, emotions and associations and help you break old negative associations such as that a cigarette goes hand in hand with your morning coffee.
9) Hypnotherapy can be used to create other positive changes at the same time as stopping smoking, such as suggestions that you will not increase eating once quitting.
10) Most hypnotherapists help people stop smoking in one intense therapy session. Hypnotherapy covers all the aspects related to your smoking habit discussed in this article. Once these are dealt with, you no longer feel the urge to smoke.
Hypnotherapy Edinburgh is provided by a therapist who has a background in NHS mental-health care and who is experienced at helping people overcome emotional, psychological and behavioral habits and difficulties. For more information about hypnotherapist Edinburgh or for advice visit
Quitting Smoking With Laser Therapy Is Easy
Posted by Fizaazida | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 1 comments »By: Healing Laser Clinics
Do you know that quit smoking laser has been around for more than 30 years in Europe and over 17 years in Canada? The quit smoking laser is a low level laser which helps you to quit smoking. There are many people who have got rid of their smoking habit from the quit smoking laser because quitting smoking with laser therapy is easy. Quit smoking laser helps you to quit smoking by stimulating the meridian and auricular points to remove the physical desire for nicotine.
Quit smoking laser enters the skin and reaches the nerves which start producing endorphins in the body. The production of endorphin is the basic target of stop smoking laser. Once the endorphins start to produce, the symptoms of quitting smoking automatically release and you no longer feel anxious or have any cravings for nicotine.
Quitting smoking with laser therapy is considered easy because there is no drug used during the stop smoking laser treatment. There are no side effects with the treatment as there are with other smoking cessation products like the patches, pills and shots. There are many people in this world now who have stopped smoking by stop smoking laser therapy.
If you are interested in stopping smoking, you should ask your doctor and should have smoking laser therapy. The procedure of laser therapy has been already told and it is very easy. Laser therapy for getting rid of smoking habit does not have any side effect but helps smokers to get rid of their smoking habits.
There are many people in the world who get permanent smoking habit and such time comes in their life, when they want to stop their smoking habit. The laser therapy for quitting smoking is the best solution for such people because they can remove their habit of smoking from them easily. Quitting smoking with laser therapy is an easy and simple process and removes your physical desire of nicotine from you.
Although quitting smoking with laser therapy is easy but is not for everyone in the world. If you are pregnant and want to stop smoking by laser therapy for saving your children from any smoking effect, it is not impossible. Currently, women who are 6 or less months pregnant can have laser therapy for quitting smoking. People having pace makers, implanted defibrillator, active cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy should avoid having laser therapy for quitting smoking.
If you are pregnant or have any above mentioned disease, please avoid having the laser therapy for quitting smoking. Therefore, you must always ask your doctor before having laser therapy and should go for complete check up of your body before having laser therapy for quitting smoking and if you find any disease or pregnancy in your body, you must not have laser therapy for quitting smoking.
If you are a normal person and do not have any above mentioned disease, it is better to quit smoking from laser therapy as quitting smoking with laser therapy is easy. If you have any fear about laser therapy for quitting smoking, remove it from your mind.
Healing Laser Clinics Quit Smoking Laser therapy. Stop Smoking Laser can help you to quit smoking in 1 hour. Learn the easy way to quit smoking with low level laser therapy. For details
Electronic Cigarettes : A Healthier Alternative
By: Philip Nicosia
Smoking is a habit which is undeniably bad for your health. Research in recent years has proven that cigarettes contain dangerous chemicals which put smokers much higher risk of developing heart problems and cancer. Yet despite these facts, a high proportion of the population still continues to indulge in smoking. Often many of the smokers who attempt to give up fail because of the highly addictive chemical nicotine contained within cigarettes. This causes them to experience unpleasant cravings and withdrawal symptoms, which makes any break away from cigarettes difficult or in many cases pushes them back into their smoking habit. This has left many smokers looking for a healthier alternative that still delivers the same level of nicotine, which has prompted some to exchange their ordinary cigarettes for electronic cigarettes.
Electronic cigarettes are roughly the same size and shape as a normal cigarette, but instead of tobacco and a filter, the electronic cigarette comprises mainly of a cartridge, atomiser, and a rechargeable battery. The cartridge is a replaceable attachment which contains a liquid solution consisting of propylene glycol and nicotine. When the electronic cigarette is inhaled, a sensor detects a flow of air which prompts a microprocessor to activate the atomiser. The atomiser converts the liquid solution into vapour which can then by inhaled. The nicotine is then delivered in a similar way to that of a regular cigarette to satisfy cravings, whilst the presence of the propylene glycol produces a smoke-like vapour to make the electronic cigarette look fairly realistic. There are also different types of cartridges available with various formulas and strengths available to suit each person's individual tastes.
Electronic cigarettes are reported to be much healthier to use than the original tobacco product, as without the presence of tobacco they do not emit carbon-monoxide or tar, and yet they still provide the user with the necessary amount of nicotine to substitute their original smoking habit. However, although electronic cigarettes are not providing the user with the as many dangerous toxins and carcinogens as a normal cigarette, the user's intake of nicotine is still very harmful. Nicotine is still a highly toxic chemical, in fact one single droplet of the substance would be enough to kill a person. So whilst electronic cigarettes are considered to be less dangerous, they should not be viewed as a harmless, long-term substitute for tobacco.
Swapping regular cigarettes for the electronic version can however be an effective method in many cases to help get people away from smoking altogether. This is perhaps because unlike products like nicotine patches and gums, electronic cigarettes provide the body with a more direct and instant intake of nicotine. Also, because electronic cigarettes have the similar shape and feel to a regular cigarette, they allow the user to replicate the same smoking-like movements, which some smokers need as their hands often suddenly feel quite empty. As electronic cigarettes look convincingly like a traditional cigarette, users will feel more confident using them in public and will perhaps make quitting smoking a less unpleasant experience.
Philip Nicosia discusses many topics on his personal blog including electronic cigarettes.
The New Effective Trend In Stop Smoking
Posted by Fizaazida | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 0 comments »Hypnotherapy: The New Effective Trend In Stop Smoking
By: zonezoney471
The solution for serious smoking cases is hypnosis. Ever heard of the “stop smoking hypnosis” method of helping a person quit smoking? What is stop smoking hypnosis and how does it work? Is this the ultimate solution to finally quit smoking?
A lot of smokers have finally decided to stop smoking to save themselves from the dangers that smoking brings. Because the demand to quit smoking is increasing, there are already several ways to stop smoking. While other ways may be quite traditional, some are basically new.
Smoking is not just about nicotine addiction. Even if the person has already been detoxified and the nicotine is already out of his system, there is still a chance that the person will get back to his smoking addiction. Why? Because the smoker has already developed a psychological addiction to smoking. This addiction or habit is stored in the subconscious mind, which then, triggers the cravings for cigarette.
Targeting Psychological Smoking Addiction
To successfully stop smoking, this psychological habit or addiction should be dealt with. This is where Stop Smoking Hypnosis takes place. The Stop Smoking Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy aims to replace the smoking habit with a non-smoking habit. Through hypnosis, the person is strongly motivated and guided to stop smoking. The desire of the person is changed from smoking to non-smoking.
While your conscious mind is aware of everything that is happening, the therapist will then try to access your subconscious mind. This part of the mind is encouraged and motivated to stop smoking. It is prompted to release the smoking addiction. The person’s view about smoking is then changed.
Hypnotherapy targets the psychological addiction to smoking. This is the reason why long term results can be achieved through this stop smoking method. Once the person is released from his cravings for cigarette, that is the time that he will be able to permanently bid smoking goodbye.
Is Stop Smoking Hypnosis Effective?
Researches show that Stop Smoking Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways of quitting smoking permanently. Hypnosis is basically for every smoker who wants to quit, irregardless of how long they have been smoking or the level of their addiction. Everyone deserves the chance to be released from the hold of smoking addiction, thus, stop smoking hypnosis is for everyone.
Smoking, no matter how other people justify it, is a dangerous habit and thus, it should be stopped. There are just so many ways to stop smoking and Stop Smoking Hypnosis is just one of them.
Amber College is a holistic therapies centre in Ireland. Its range of services includes Weight Loss, Allergy Testing," title="Stop Smoking">Stop Smoking Therapies and Complementary Therapies like Acupuncture, Aromatherapy and Massage. Amber College also offers short courses on Complementary Therapies. See Complementary Therapy for the complete list of Amber’s services.
What The Stop Smoking Injection Is For?
Posted by Fizaazida | Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 0 comments »By: Belva Rudick
The statistics cannot be wrong: smoking can lead to serious diseases, and some of them are lethal. About five million smokers die each year and about 1.3 billion people smoke all over the world. Still, the effects of this habit can be stopped, as the World Health Organization tries to say. The habit of smoking, once considered a cool thing, is now a deadly one.
As specialists see it, among all the verified methods for stopping this habit, the stop smoking injection is considered to be the best there is. The numbers are incredible: about 70-80% of those following the treatment stop smoking. This treatment cannot be done at home, however, but at a medical clinic where doctors can keep the patient under supervision. They can also offer, at the clinic, counseling and group therapy, which will help the patient further.
This is how the treatment works. There are three injections with Scopolamine or Atropine that can be administrated behind the years, or on the hips, or on the arms. The thing is that these substances help in blocking the nicotine receptors that are located inside the brain. After the injections, the treatment continues with atropine pills that must be taken for two weeks and a scopolamine patch that is places behind one ear. When the nicotine receptors are blocked, the body will no longer feel the need for these substance, and, after a while, the patient will not feel any need to smoke anymore. You can follow this treatment as part of your health insurance, so the price of about $500 per session should not bother you that much.
The two substances presented earlier have the capability to control the activity developed in the brain. They are usually used for other medical purposes, such as anesthetics when surgery is taken place or for treating the symptoms of the Parkinsons disease. You may experience some side effects from them, however: usually dizziness, a dry mouth, headaches may appear. Even some problems with urination may appear, right after a session took place.
There are also some side effects that are more serious, like hallucination, stroke, or a heart attack, but they are more likely to appear in heavy smokers that need a larger dosage of the injections. There is a possibility that the patient gets into a coma, so a very thorough physical examination needs to take place before applying the stop smoking injections. Pregnant women with cardiac problems must never try this treatment, as well as those people that are dependant on other chemical substances. There are others methods to quit smoking, but, if they do not work, and you want to let go of this habit, then you should try the stop smoking injection.
Balva Rudick is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit -
By: Roger Les Rabbit
Smoking remains the largest preventable cause of death and illness in the UK, with approximately 120,000 people dying of smoking-related illnesses each year. The main diseases caused by smoking are chronic obstructive lung disease, e.g. emphysema, many types of cancer and coronary heart disease - although it is actually associated with over 50 diseases.
It is estimated that one in two smokers will die from a smoking related disease, causing, on average, six to eight years of life lost per smoker. Smokers can also impact the health of those around them, for example their children, through passive smoking.
Smoking not only has health implications, but costs money, is a major cause of fires in the home and is also responsible for a significant proportion of litter on our streets.
What do cigarettes contain?
Tobacco smoke contains around 4,000 chemicals - here's just a few of them and their impact on the body:
Nicotine A drug that stimulates the brain and keeps people hooked on smoking. It is responsible for the withdrawal symptoms experienced by those giving up, such as craving, anxiety, restlessness, headaches, hunger, irritability and difficulty with concentration.
Tar This can settle in and damage the surfaces of the lungs, eventually causing lung diseases.
Carbon Monoxide Combines with haemoglobin in the blood more readily than oxygen, making breathing less effective and putting strain on the heart.
Why give up?
Giving up smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health no matter what your age - and you can start to notice the difference almost immediately!
After 20 minutes Your blood pressure and pulse rate fall. This is important because high blood pressure increases your chance of having a heart attack or stroke.
After 8 hours The level of carbon monoxide in your blood drops. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that gets into your bloodstream when you smoke and makes it more difficult for your body to get all the oxygen it needs.
After 48 hours There is no more nicotine left in your body. Your taste and smell starts to improve and blood flows round your body more easily, reducing the risk of a coronary thrombosis (a blockage of the arteries or vessels leading to the heart).
After 72 hours Your breathing becomes easier and energy levels increase.
After two weeks Your circulation improves and you begin to feel fitter.
In part two find out more on how I quit smoking with ease, no patches, no gum with ease.
Thanks for viewing.
I highly recommend visiting here for more info about cigarettes
Does a quit smoking drug that works exist?
Posted by Fizaazida | Sunday, July 13, 2008 | 0 comments »by Jackie Winn
It is astounding that we live at this point in history where the greater bulk of our maladies and physical troubles are able to be restored or at any rate handled by utilising a trouble free lozenge.
With a several forms of capsule stop smoking solutions available in the marketplace nowadays, numerous people may ask if really there is unquestionably a decent quit smoking pill or lozenge which is available, inexpensive and that genuinely can prevail.
The good news for those would like to give up smoking cigarettes, is that in that respect is that innumerable medications are currently available that carry the power to assist you. The breach the smoking habit product is just one such alternative. These can be utilised to bring down the demand to smoke or to diminish the after effects of symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
Two of the best-selling quit smoking pills are Zyban and Wellbutrin. Zyban actually an antidepressant drug and it discharges endorphins by arousing the pituitary. These endorphins encourage activeness and give an individual person a more positive mindset. Just about all of these characters of pills contain Bupropion hydrochloride to help counterbalance withdrawal troubles.
The most widely adopted course of treatment lasts for 8 to 12 weeks. Patients who stop taking them too quickly or who take them only now and again won't receive the help from the treatment because its follow through is designed to be collective. Quit smoking products will without question always include blow-by-blow instructions, guidelines and recommendations as to how they should be taken and these instructions must be followed step by step without any deviation.
The tablets must be taken for at least 7 days during which time you would ideally continue to smoke cigarettes. As you commence your second week you should commence to stop smoking completely. If after two months of taking Zyban you have still not managed to stop smoking tobacco, it's questionable you will be able to kick the habit during that bid and you should stop taking the Zyban medication.
This Type of quit smoking treatment is available only by prescription and may carry some risks of side effects which your physician or pharmacist will be able to go through with you in detail.
For people who may be worried about the cost or the side effects of quit smoking medications, in that respect there are many disparate items for sale in stores nowadays to augment them. This can cover nicotine patches or gum or hypnotherapy or laser quit smoking treatments.
A lot of erstwhile tobacco users have described significant experiences with these kinds of treatments and stages of medicinal drugs, so it's favourable to realize that a person wanting to cease smoking cigarettes has got many chances with reference to the assistance that's available
Eventually maybe there'll be an affordable, trustworthy, free from side-effects quit smoking tablet widely available, but, for now at least you can for the time being, you can of course consult with your physician or pharmacist and discuss the alternative treatments that would suit you. If you are sure you are ready to finally break the smoking habit then now is most certainly the right time to book an appointment with your doctor and take your first tentative steps on the road to being an ex-smoker who no longer spends a fortune every year on health damaging tobacco products.
About the Author
Jackie is the owner of a website which aims to provide help, infomation, tips and advice to people who are trying to stop smoking and beat nicotine addiction. There is a free quit smoking eBook available on on her site, download it today from it has some excellent tips and advice, grab it now and quit smoking
by Jackie Winn
If you happen to be an individual who smokes cigarettes or tobacco and has endeavoured to quit smoking in previously, it may follow that you feel like screaming at the top of your (smoke damaged) lungs, Please, someone assist me and inform me as to how I will be capable to finally stop smoking!
If you feel this sums you up then don't let it get you down, there are tremendous numbers of people who feel that they are in the same boat as you. All the same, tobacco smoking is considered by many to be easily as addictive as illegal drugs, including heroin, cannabis and cocaine. Directing individuals on how to quit and renounce smoking is broadly speaking as simple as teaching them how to abandon breathing!
It can be accomplished if you take into account some basic essentials. First and foremost you need to acknowledge that smoking tobacco forms dependence and comprehend that addictions of this nature can prove to be extremely laborious to break. It's not just like changing your car or starting a new job; it involves disciplining your complete physical structure as well as your mind about your everyday wonts and the way you think. A surprisingly large amount of people who have succeeded in learning how to quit smoking tobacco have had to subscribe to these ideas, albeit it may come out as appearing to be somewhat elementary.
Trying to break an obsession or fixation commonly entails bettering all of the conditions that arouse your interest in that particular dependency. If you have a habit of staying at your PC until the early hours, then you need to relocate your PC and alter the times that you use it, try locating it in the living room, or dining room on a hard table with hard chairs so that it is just not comfortable to sit staring at the computer screen for hours on end.
Simple things like these may appear to be inconsequential but that can grow into the most important stages that you are able to take in uncovering a method that works for you in the fight to stop smoking tobacco products. It is important that you change all of the activates or circumstances that cause the desire to smoke. Avoid smoke-filled areas, don't get into a vehicle with someone who smokes, if at all possible lessen the time you spend around people who do smoke; you're not being rude, merely looking after your own best interests.
Understandably in that respect there aren't any clear-cut answers on the subject of quitting or stopping smoking, Not everyone's dependence for nicotine is the same nor is their desire and self governing regimes. Another factor is the length of time a person has smoked tobacco, the longer a person has been smoking then the harder it may prove to break their habit, the degree of encouragement they are obtaining and any pressure t(negative or positive!) they receive from their peers. Altogether these factors will change an intervals considerations and capacity to quit smoking immediately and with ease, or not.
Nonetheless, whilst the solutions may appear not to be easy, every year there is a huge number of people who have efficaciously recognized how to dispense with smoking tobacco products and with a bit of help and a ton of determination you can also smash this addiction and give up smoking for good!
About the Author
Jackie is the owner of a website which aims to provide help, infomation, tips and advice to people who are trying to stop smoking and beat nicotine addiction. Stop smoking today and change your life forever! There is a free quit smoking eBook available on on her site, download it today from it has some excellent tips and advice, grab it now!
By: Brandon Sellers
Quitting smoking is not an easy thing to do. Anyone who has tried, even if they were successful, will likely say it was extremely difficult. There are a variety of ways to try and quit smoking. If one way is unsuccessful try another. Quitting smoking as soon as possible is imperative to your health and the health of those around you. Before beginning any non-smoking program be sure to discuss it with your doctor.
Most people who make up their minds to stop smoking decide to go cold turkey. This means that one day they just stop. Unfortunately, it seldom works. Strong willed people tend to think they can make it, but will power has little to do with the process. Nicotine is among the most addictive of drugs, which can cause you severe withdrawal problems. Some people are successful for a while when they quit cold turkey, but generally they start again soon.
Another popular method is to slowly wean oneself of nicotine through the use nicotine gum or patches. The directions for the use of these products are found on the packages, and a number of people have found this to be a successful method to quit smoking. The gum and patches allow you to wean yourself off at your own pace. Follow the directions on the package carefully. Make an appointment with your physician to go over you plan in depth. Although this method eliminates the craving for nicotine it does not satisfy the hand to mouth habit that smoking established. Smoking is usually a physical, mental and emotional addiction.
Your doctor might prescribe medication to help you kick the smoking habit and addiction to nicotine. Discuss your options with the doctor and try to use the method with the fewest side effects and best success rate. Don't ever make the mistake of taking another person's medicine as it might interfere with something you are taking.
If you are successful in your quest to stop smoking, know that the process will go on for the rest of your life. The social aspects are still there, even if you've beat the addiction. In the beginning stages at least, you may need to change your lifestyle. An example of what this means is to consider how many people like a cigarette with their drinks. Until you gain some confidence it would probably be best to tell your friends you won't go out drinking for a while.
If you smoke you should see your doctor immediately. Quitting now can add years to your life and help you avoid many diseases that can be contributed to smoking. Do yourself a favor and start quitting today.
Keyword Articles:
Brandon Sellers successfully quit smoking finally! His favorite system is now the End The Habit quit smoking method. You would also be wise to check out the free quit smoking help.
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By: Brandon Sellers
It's difficult to quit smoking. Even those who were successful in their efforts will likely say it was incredibly difficult. There are a many methods to try and quit smoking. If you aren't successful with one, try another. It's imperative for your health (and the health of those around you)that you quit smoking as soon as possible. Always check with your doctor before starting any non-smoking program.
Cold turkey is the number one way that people try to quit smoking. However, this is usually not successful. Basically cold turkey means that you stop smoking cigarettes one day and never have another one. While some people believe that they have the will power to do it, it really has little to do with willpower and more to do with that fact that your body is physically addicted to nicotine and you can have fairly serious withdrawal symptoms. Cold turkey does work for some people, but in general within a few days most people start smoking again.
Another option is to use nicotine gum or patches to slowly wean yourself off of your nicotine addiction. There are directions on the packages for use, and many people find this method a great way to quit smoking. This way you can also wean yourself off at your own pace. Be sure to follow directions on the package very carefully. The best idea is to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your plan. Some people do find this method unsuccessful because it does not satisfy the hand to mouth habit that smoking has developed. Unfortunately smoking usually becomes not only a physical addiction but a mental and emotional one as well.
Finally, you can use medication to help you beat your smoking habit and nicotine addiction. Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible and discuss your options. They can prescribe a medication that has few side effects and has a good success rate. Never begin taking someone else’s prescription medication, some medications could interfere with other medications you are currently taking.
Quitting smoking is a lifelong process. Many people find the social habit of smoking hard to beat long after the nicotine addiction is gone. You may need to temporarily alter your lifestyle while trying to quit smoking. For example many people enjoy a cigarette with a drink with friends. This social habit can be difficult to break and you may want to avoid any of these pitfalls for a while when you are still in the process of getting over the nicotine habit.
See your doctor immediately if you smoke. If you successfully quit smoking now you can add years to your life possibly avoid many diseases that are a result of smoking. Quit smoking now and do yourself and you body a favor.
Keyword Articles:
Brandon Sellers finally managed to quit smoking! His favorite system is now the End The Habit stop smoking method. Also, click here for free stop smoking help.
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Quitting Smoking is not the First Thing You Should Do
By: Darren Warmuth
Quitting smoking is not the first thing you should do when you decide to become a non-smoker. Yes, you have read that right - but it's true. Indeed, quitting is one of the last steps you should take on the road to quitting smoking. It is the end, not the means. If you start with quitting smoking, you are most probably going to fail, and all your efforts will come to naught besides the damage it will do to your personality, your confidence in yourself and much more.
Usually, the thought of quitting smoking comes up only when you confront a virtual threat like a health scare or the realization that it is taking a heavy toll on your body. The reason is not important; what is important is that you have taken the decision to quit smoking. This is a huge achievement; don’t spoil it by rushing to the end without walking all the way. You will get nowhere.
Preparation and education is the key to everything, including quitting smoking. You wouldn't attempt to rebuild your car's engine just because you bought a set of tools off the shelf, or sew a dress for your daughter's wedding after picking up your first ever sewing machine, so please don't think that you can buy an off the shelf smoking cessation aid and you are home free. You would have just as much luck getting your car's engine back together properly as quitting smoking. Oh sure, eventually you might get it right, but why waste your efforts when the proper information is available to help you be successful the first time.
Scour the internet. Look at the available stop smoking programs and really compare them. Don't just buy the first one you see. And make sure that the program you are buying is grounded in education and preparation about quitting first and supplements or cessation aids second. You should be encouraged to take your time to learn and prepare as opposed to placing your faith in a product that states that there is no effort required on your part.
Nothing comes without a little effort from you - especially this. Remember, quitting is the easy part - you just stop. It's the preparations you take before you quit that determines if you'll be successful or not. So make sure you have all the data you need before you try and you will be the success you want to be.
Best of Luck,
Darren Warmuth
Keyword Articles:
Do you really want to stop smoking? Don't be scammed by misleading claims - check out some independent reviews of the best stop smoking methods here.
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Does the Magic Stop Smoking Pill Help?
By: Darren Warmuth
I know exactly why you are reading this article. It's because of the title. It's because just like I did, you are looking for the All New Recently Improved Super-Duper Stop Smoking Miracle Cure that 99% of smoking cessation products promise.
Well, I am afraid I have some bad news for you. It doesn't exist yet. You still have to want to quit and put some effort in of your own. Yes, you read that right. You need to make the change and implement it of your own accord.
First, some statistics for you on the 'magic pills'.
* About 3% people can successfully quit cold turkey and that too not on their first attempt.
* Most off the shelf pharmaceuticals claim efficacy of doubling your chances (6%) to increasing them fivefold (15%) at best.
* Other newly released products claim nearly twenty times the effectiveness of cold turkey. However, this rate of success was achieved by giving huge incentives. There was a fully supportive group and a team of team of doctors and counselors watching over them and testing each phase, and to top it all, they were paid for their efforts as well. Any one would quit smoking if someone else is willing to spend thousands of dollars and dozens of hours to help them do it! But, this is not the ground reality. How many people would be fortunate to get into this select group? In the ultimate analysis, this improved wonder drug will ultimately fall into the same percentages as every other pharmaceutical offering.
So we have 6%-15% success rate. Not the magic 100% everybody, including the pharmaceutical companies, want. Now don't get me wrong, smoking cessation aids help - sometimes. But they help infinitely more if you place your faith in yourself and your ability to achieve your stop smoking goal as opposed to placing all your bets on a pill or a patch.
The effort required on your part is basically about educating yourself and preparing to quit smoking. It’s not about willpower. You need to find out what the real truths are about your smoking habit and what it really takes to rid yourself of it. And, in order to gain all this, you need to select a program. You will find many fully encompassing information programs to help you meet this goal.
So, seek out all the information you can find about smoking, nicotine, quitting and the benefits of quitting. You need to spend a few days or weeks to find the information that will help you quit without relying on a 'magic pill' to do it for you. It is a small effort for breaking a habit you have built over decades, perhaps.
The more you know, the more successful you will be. And, this is true in all aspects of life.
To your future achievements,
Darren Warmuth
Keyword Articles:
Is there a magic stop smoking pill? - read some independent reviews of zyban, chantix, and using hypnosis to stop smoking etc. Also, click here to discover the stop smoking method Darren himself used.
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