Quitting Smoking

Posted by Fizaazida | Sunday, July 13, 2008 | 0 comments »

By: Brandon Sellers

Quitting smoking is not an easy thing to do. Anyone who has tried, even if they were successful, will likely say it was extremely difficult. There are a variety of ways to try and quit smoking. If one way is unsuccessful try another. Quitting smoking as soon as possible is imperative to your health and the health of those around you. Before beginning any non-smoking program be sure to discuss it with your doctor.

Most people who make up their minds to stop smoking decide to go cold turkey. This means that one day they just stop. Unfortunately, it seldom works. Strong willed people tend to think they can make it, but will power has little to do with the process. Nicotine is among the most addictive of drugs, which can cause you severe withdrawal problems. Some people are successful for a while when they quit cold turkey, but generally they start again soon.

Another popular method is to slowly wean oneself of nicotine through the use nicotine gum or patches. The directions for the use of these products are found on the packages, and a number of people have found this to be a successful method to quit smoking. The gum and patches allow you to wean yourself off at your own pace. Follow the directions on the package carefully. Make an appointment with your physician to go over you plan in depth. Although this method eliminates the craving for nicotine it does not satisfy the hand to mouth habit that smoking established. Smoking is usually a physical, mental and emotional addiction.

Your doctor might prescribe medication to help you kick the smoking habit and addiction to nicotine. Discuss your options with the doctor and try to use the method with the fewest side effects and best success rate. Don't ever make the mistake of taking another person's medicine as it might interfere with something you are taking.

If you are successful in your quest to stop smoking, know that the process will go on for the rest of your life. The social aspects are still there, even if you've beat the addiction. In the beginning stages at least, you may need to change your lifestyle. An example of what this means is to consider how many people like a cigarette with their drinks. Until you gain some confidence it would probably be best to tell your friends you won't go out drinking for a while.

If you smoke you should see your doctor immediately. Quitting now can add years to your life and help you avoid many diseases that can be contributed to smoking. Do yourself a favor and start quitting today.

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Brandon Sellers successfully quit smoking finally! His favorite system is now the End The Habit quit smoking method. You would also be wise to check out the free quit smoking help.
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